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ART203 Quizz on Elements and Principles of Art and Design

Level Two quiz on Elements and Principles of Art and Design   What is colour as an element of art? What colours can be found in a simple colour wheel? Define Rhythm as a principle of art? Define Movement as a principle of art? What is balance as a principle of...

ITX203 – Homework Assignment. EXAM on Wednesday 19th May 2021

Complete Exercises 1 to 11 of  Practical Exercises Using Microsoft Access. LINK: ITX203 Practical Exercises Using Microsoft Access If you have not done so already, UPLOAD your Bookshop and Sports database files Click here to upload your databases. (Convert the...

ART103 Drawing Techniques 19/4/21

1.  Transfer notes to your sketch book. 2. Revise the different drawing techniques by practicing them in your sketch book. 2. Do a drawing of any object in the kitchen using three drawing techniques that you would have learnt in class.