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ART201 – Multiple Choice Paper 1

Please read the instructions and answer correctly.  Remember to write your name and level on the answer sheet. ART 201 Michaelmas 2021 Pp 1 (1) Proofed

ART201 – End of Term Michaelmas exam Paper 2

Please read the instructions carefully.  Practice one question and come with art supplies to do that question on the day of the examination.   ART 201 Michaelmas 2021 Pp 2 proofed

ART101 – End of term Michaelmas exam Paper 2

Please read the instructions carefully.  Practice to answer one question and bring in supplies to do that question on the day of the examination.   ART 101 Michaelmas 2021 Pp 2 proofed

ART 301 Papers 1 and 2

Please read through above documents carefully, especially the instructions. Let me know if you have any questions.ART 301 Michaelmas 2021 Pp1 & Pp2

ART301 – Expressive Form 1

Drawing Do a drawing of two objects found in your kitchen using charcoal or graphite. Graphic Designing Develop a logo for a shoe company called Plains.  Choose your own style of lettering for this project.