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End of Year Assessment (2021)
Assignment #1: June 4th – 7th

Review Quizzes Assignment #1

Assignment #2: June 8th – 12th
  • total = 0
  • count = 0
  • average = 0
  • OUTPUT ‘Enter Mark’
  • INPUT mark
    • WHILE (mark is not equal to -1)
    • total = total + mark
    • count = count + 1
    • OUTPUT ‘Enter Mark’
    • INPUT mark
  • IF count equal 0 THEN
  • OUTPUT ‘No Marks Entered’
  • ELSE
  • average = total/count
  • DISPLAY average
  • END IF
  • Convert the above pseudocode to a program using the SmallBasic web environment. (10 total point)Hints:

    Text OUTPUT is written as:


    Variable OUTPUT is written as: TextWindow.WriteLine(variable name)

    INPUT of a variables count and name are written as the following examples:

    count = TextWindow.Read()

    name = TextWindow.Read()

  • SmallBasic Online Environment
  • ITX202 Midterm Assessment (Year End Review 2020 – 2021)
  • Quizizz Quiz (Link is not currently enabled)


MS Access Database Project – due by Friday 18th, June 2021.
Complete Exercise 19 and do the following in your “bookshop” database:
  • Create a PopUp form named “frmMain”
  • Change your customer, order and product forms to PopUp forms
  • Add 3 buttons to “frmMain” that will open your customer, order and product forms, using Macros
  • Copy frmMain and save as frmMainMacro
  • Convert Macros on frmMain to Visual Basic
  • Set frmMain to open when the database is opened.
  • Convert database to a zip file and upload (Recommended)
  • Or email zip file to: apurcell@stgeorgesinstitute.org

Final Submission Due by Friday 18th, June 2021. Upload assignment here.